We at Theta Lodge Foundation

Our Mission, Vision and Objectives

1.) Improving quality of life: for others at a community, local, state, national, or even global level. Not dedicated to private or financial gain but to the advancement of public interest.

2.) Meet Operating Costs: Economic objectives of raising enough funding to meet operating expenses. These might include staffing needs, rent, utilities, insurance, furniture, computers and other paraphernalia.

3.) Fundraising: Fundraising goes beyond holding events & activities. It includes creating a database of regular donors, applying for grants, seeking individual and corporate donations and holding events such as galas, auctions, raffles and much more.

4.) Related and Unrelated Income: Raising funds by charging for dues, selling or reselling logged clothing & apparels, electronic items, educational materials, holding events, seminars, conference or workshops.

5.) Contribution: Endowments, Donations, Sponsorships, Pledges, deed of conveyance, in kind gifts are types of financial support that generates enough funding for charitable activities.

tlf: Supporting activites

Tailored solutions for our unique ( Fundraising | Campaigns | Workshops | Causes )

cryptocurrency awareness

This workshop unlock the potential of digital assets, buying, selling, secure digital wallets, cybersecurity ethical hacking with training programs through a series of cryptocurrency awareness workshops.

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(I.O.T) Internet of things

This workshop Internet of Things (IoT) works and how it’s used via a network of devices—from your wristwatch to your home heating system—that collect, process, and exchange data, all interconnected through the internet or other communication networks.

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100% free installation

our CCTV Camera Survellance workshop allows individuals to have more inshight and knowledge on how their existing or new cctv system works. Clients can purchase thier own cctv systems and get 100% FREE installation.

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everyone can support

“not in numbers, but in unity, our strength lies”


This group of dedicated individuals who are committed to manage this foundation with a keen spirit and a shared vision.

some members of the executive team

Community and Volunteers



Satisfied Customers


Finish Projects





Some of our contributers

and Supporters